Yesterday i manage to capture some pics of my lil gurl on her bday at her nursery..well, she does seem excited even start singing and can't wait to put her hands on those delicious cupcakes. Cupcakes were made by me during weekends. I made double moist chocolate cake with chocolate dipping as well....yummm yummmm..They all did enjoyed it very much. Happy Bday To You my Lil Baby Gurl..
We provide below: - Buttercream - Fondant (additional RM1.50) - Frosting (additional RM1.00) - Ganache (additional RM0.50)
Sizes for normal cupcake: 1 size only Standard size (M) - RM2.50 each
Sizes for Solo Cup: 2oz solo cup (S) - RM3.00 each 2.5oz solo cup (M) - RM4.00 each 3.25oz solo cup (L) - RM5.00 each 4oz solo cup (XL) - RM6.00 each
Terms & Condition
- Place your order AT LEAST 2 WEEK BEFORE the collection date to avoid any disappointments. For 'Hantaran/Wedding pls place your order 1 MONTH EARLIER. - We have all rights to change prices anytime without prior notice. - There'll be no refund for any cancellation/backouts. - Deposit is needed for big quantity. We will sms you the method of payments.
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