Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Wilton Wish List
New 2010 Wilton Yearbook
Owh My Gosh..i sooooo want this book..pls Wilton ICCA hurry hurry order this book i just can't take my eyes of this book and with all the cool designs and patterns..I CAN'T WAIT..
arrggghhhhhh!!!! i can't wait..i did browse thru a few sections of this book..i just LOVE 'em...
Sweet Cuppacakes
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Happy Belated Birthday Cake and Flower Power Cupcakes
Theme: Happy Birthday and flower power cupcakes
The cake flavour of the day was American Chocolate Cake. Covered with buttercream, some decorations done with M&M and some flower marshmallows...Same goes with the cuppies.
Orders are available for birthday cakes as well. Pls email me for pricing. As above it starting cost RM60.00++ depending on the cake.
Sweet Cuppacakes
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My Little Fairy Photo session with Aunty Balqisz..

Monday, June 15, 2009
Solo Cup size and Price
Kindly refer below for pricing for different sizes of solo cups.
From Left to Right:
Right - Size : 2oz, Diameter 5cm (Standard Size) RM3.00 each
Middle - Size : 2.5oz, Diameter 5.5cm (Medium Size) RM4.00 each
Left- Size : 3.25oz, Diameter 6.5cm (Large Size) RM5.00 each
Additional Pricing (Minimum orders 16pcs):
- Fondant: RM1.50 each cupcake
- Edible Image: RM1.50 each cupcake (Editing on image RM2.00 each cupcake)
- Flower Marshmallow, M&M Chocs, Skittles,Hershey's Choc: RM0.50-RM2.00 each cupcake
- Cupcakes Box with ribbon: RM2.00 (Any additional Cards will be charge RM1.00)
- Special Cupcakes Box with ribbon: RM3.00-RM5.00 (Kindly sms me on the availability)
- Wedding/Individuals/Door gifts Plastic container with Dome Lid: RM2.00 each
- Baby Shower Bags: RM3.00 without cupcakes (Order more than 50pcs for Medium and Large Size cupcakes, price is nego)

Baby Shower Bags (For Boy or Girl)
Sweet Cuppacakes
Monday, June 8, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Happy 21st Bday Joanne
I received a very special request sometime last week from a guy who's in Aus. and he wanted me to make this special request for a gurl who's gonna turn 21. I find it very sweet of this guy who's actually far and wanting to give something special for this "lady"...ehehee..Anyways, cut it short, here's some of the pics i've taken. The cupcakes is made of fondants which took me about 3 days to complete the whole baking and decorating till the end...I was actually very impressed with the outcome and couldn't take my eys off them..THEY ARE JUST TOO CUTE TO BE EATEN..ehehee..Well, Joanne, I hope you have a very wonderful 21st Birthday, and Thank You to Collin...Hope to hear from u soon...
Many Thanks to Collin & HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY TO YOU JOANNE..
Sweet Cuppacakes
Monday, June 1, 2009
Decorated Cookies for SALE~
Selamat Hari Gawai~
Selamat Hari Gawai
We from Sweet Cuppacakes would like to wish Selamat Hari Gawai, Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai...Have a save trip back home to wherever you are travelling to..remember...think safety, wear your seat belts all the time..
xoxo, Sweet Cuppacakes