Kindly refer below for pricing for different sizes of solo cups.
From Left to Right:
Right - Size : 2oz, Diameter 5cm (Standard Size) RM3.00 each
Middle - Size : 2.5oz, Diameter 5.5cm (Medium Size) RM4.00 each
Left- Size : 3.25oz, Diameter 6.5cm (Large Size) RM5.00 each
Additional Pricing (Minimum orders 16pcs):
- Fondant: RM1.50 each cupcake
- Edible Image: RM1.50 each cupcake (Editing on image RM2.00 each cupcake)
- Flower Marshmallow, M&M Chocs, Skittles,Hershey's Choc: RM0.50-RM2.00 each cupcake
- Cupcakes Box with ribbon: RM2.00 (Any additional Cards will be charge RM1.00)
- Special Cupcakes Box with ribbon: RM3.00-RM5.00 (Kindly sms me on the availability)
- Wedding/Individuals/Door gifts Plastic container with Dome Lid: RM2.00 each
- Baby Shower Bags: RM3.00 without cupcakes (Order more than 50pcs for Medium and Large Size cupcakes, price is nego)

Baby Shower Bags (For Boy or Girl)
Sweet Cuppacakes
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